We would like to whitelist the IP addresses that Tyk Cloud uses when communicating with our proxied backend services. Is there a list of these published somewhere?
We would like to whitelist the IP addresses that Tyk Cloud uses when communicating with our proxied backend services. Is there a list of these published somewhere?
Hi Ryan,
Our cloud infrastructure autoscales, so the IP addresses are always changing. This means we can’t specify a fixed IP block.
The best way to ensure traffic is sourced from our cloud is to inject a secret header into all outbound requests using our global header injector in the API designer.
Many thanks,
Thanks for the quick reply. That should work for us. Thanks!
Is this still the case, @Martin ? We’d really like to do whitelisting of tyk cloud traffic if possible
Hi @diwank - If you message us through the support system we can provide you with the IP range for the current Tyk Cloud setup. Thanks!