Weird behavior if you whitelist an endpoint named "test"

If you add an endpoint in your whitelist (even as a mockup) with a path of /test, it will use that endpoint instead of almost any other path you specify. The only ones it seems to use instead are ones that are named something else -slash- something else. It’s like it is regexing the word “test” as being some sort of wildcard. Can someone explain this behavior? It shouldn’t affect me in the long run, obviously, but it made it very confusing for me when I was trying to play around with tyk!

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Hey @daisieh,
Welcome to our community!
Thats some strange behaviour. It’s not something we’ve seen before. Let me try and replicate it and get back to you.


If it helps, here is the API definition from my cloud trial account:

“created_at”: “2021-04-27T23:35:30Z”,
“api_model”: {},
“api_definition”: {
“api_id”: “113f9cc20a6f412146e936af8b9719e0”,
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“use_keyless”: true,
“enable_coprocess_auth”: false,
“base_identity_provided_by”: “”,
“custom_middleware”: {
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“post”: [],
“post_key_auth”: [],
“auth_check”: {
“name”: “”,
“path”: “”,
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“driver”: “”,
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“extractor_config”: {}
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“custom_middleware_bundle”: “”,
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“cache_response_codes”: [],
“enable_upstream_cache_control”: false,
“cache_control_ttl_header”: “”,
“cache_by_headers”: []
“enable_ip_blacklisting”: false,
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“domain”: “”,
“openid_options”: {
“providers”: [],
“segregate_by_client”: false
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“active”: true,
“jwt_expires_at_validation_skew”: 0,
“config_data”: {},
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“error_message”: “”
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“name”: “”,
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“enabled”: false,
“execution_mode”: “proxyOnly”,
“schema”: “”,
“type_field_configurations”: [],
“playground”: {
“enabled”: false,
“path”: “”
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“check_list”: [],
“config”: {
“expire_utime_after”: 0,
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“parent_data_path”: “”,
“data_path”: “”,
“cache_timeout”: 60
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“enable_jwt”: false,
“do_not_track”: false,
“name”: “test-api”,
“slug”: “test-api”,
“oauth_meta”: {
“allowed_access_types”: [],
“allowed_authorize_types”: [],
“auth_login_redirect”: “”
“CORS”: {
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“data_path”: “”,
“port_data_path”: “”
“check_host_against_uptime_tests”: false,
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“ssl_min_version”: 0,
“proxy_url”: “”,
“ssl_ciphers”: []
“target_list”: [],
“preserve_host_header”: false,
“strip_listen_path”: true,
“enable_load_balancing”: false,
“listen_path”: “/test-api”,
“disable_strip_slash”: false
“client_certificates”: [],
“use_basic_auth”: false,
“version_data”: {
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“default_version”: “”,
“versions”: {
“Default”: {
“name”: “Default”,
“expires”: “”,
“paths”: {
“ignored”: [],
“white_list”: [],
“black_list”: []
“use_extended_paths”: true,
“global_headers”: {},
“global_headers_remove”: [],
“global_response_headers”: {},
“global_response_headers_remove”: [],
“ignore_endpoint_case”: false,
“global_size_limit”: 0,
“override_target”: “”,
“extended_paths”: {
“white_list”: [
“path”: “/foo/foo”,
“ignore_case”: false,
“method_actions”: {
“GET”: {
“action”: “reply”,
“code”: 200,
“data”: “more foofoo stuff”,
“headers”: {}
“path”: “/test”,
“ignore_case”: false,
“method_actions”: {
“GET”: {
“action”: “reply”,
“code”: 200,
“data”: “test test”,
“headers”: {}
“path”: “/foo”,
“ignore_case”: false,
“method_actions”: {
“GET”: {
“action”: “reply”,
“code”: 200,
“data”: “other stuff”,
“headers”: {}
“jwt_scope_claim_name”: “”,
“use_standard_auth”: false,
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“hmac_allowed_algorithms”: [],
“disable_rate_limit”: false,
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“request_signing”: {
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“key_id”: “”,
“algorithm”: “”,
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“certificate_id”: “”,
“signature_header”: “”
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“validate_signature”: false,
“signature”: {
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“secret”: “”,
“allowed_clock_skew”: 0,
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“error_message”: “”
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“algorithm”: “”,
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“user_owners”: []

Have you been able to replicate this?