URL advanced rewrite with payload match


I’m attempting to utilize the advanced URL rewrite functionality to capture the value of a field in the incoming payload and use that as a parameter in the URL but I’m not able to get it to work. The rewrite does seem to trigger correctly but I’m not able to figure out how to access the value that triggered the rewrite. Is anyone able to help me figure out why that doesn’t work for me? Here’s the API definition I’m currently using along with this payload { “test”: “value” }

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Checking this. We will get back to you soon.

@mpb01e The value of your “rewrite_to” should be http://httpbin.org/$tyk_context.trigger-0-payload-0

@Olu that works - thank you! Relatedly, do you know if there’s a way to match on a key in the payload and then to grab the value of that from the payload itself and use that as a parameter in the rewrite?

Depending on your payload, you may be able to get away with using this match ([^"{}:,\s]) on primitive data types. Then you can simply use the “…payload-{index}” to get the key or value of your payload.

For a more complex payload, you may need to use a plugin to achieve that.

Got it. Thanks again for the help!