Log filter seems to fail when parameters are entered

When selecting the Log browser, I get a Log Viewer which looks like this; please note they are recent connections.

( And when I then clear the API ID field and try to search again no results:

This feels like a bug to me, but maybe there is an issue with indexes or something.
Anyone an idea on this?

Hi Eric,

That is rather peculiar. I’m going to look into that and will let you know once I have an update.

Kind regards,
Jess @ Tyk

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Ok FYI I’ll update to the latest release and check if the issues still occur.

The error here is because there is a bug in the date selector, the data is initialised with the range of the last hour, but the selector dates are incorrect and will gove you an arbitrary range which may not exist.

If you set a date and time range manually the filters should all work again.

This is a known bug and should be fixed in our next release.

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