Intermitent problem : proxy error: dial tcp *.*.*.*:8080: connect: connection refused


For your information: we are currently using Tyk on-premises as our corporate API Gateway that manages and proxy traffic from our applications to the services deployed on our own Kubernetes on-premise cluster. Tyk itself has been deployed as a service on this Kubernetes cluster.

Since one week ago we’re experiencing intermitent problems with one of the services deployed on our Kubernetes cluster that seems to be unreachable.

We get thousands of lines like this on Tyk-Gateway log:

time=“Apr 6 06:45:57” level=error msg=“http: proxy error: dial tcp connect: connection refused” api_id=d8fa13f8f9fd403744e43ce1dcf78875 org_id=5ce5448fe63d98000104b382 server_name=“pricingnewis-service.sales.svc.cluster.local:8080” user_id="****d480" user_ip=“,” user_name=“[email protected]

We only managed to fix it redeploying again this service on our Kubernetes cluster every now and then.

Please, do you know what could be causing this problem ? Apart from monitoring Tyk_Gateway logs is there any other way for debugging this kind of problems ) ?

Best regards.

Hello @energyavm just to help me understand the problem. The issue was resolved by redeploying the actual service or was it resolved by redeploying Tyk?

Furthermore, do you have logging enabled for your APIs? If so, do you notice anything common between the failed requests?



the issue is being resolved so far by redeploying the actual service, not TyK. Regarding your logging enable question, we are able to see the statistics showing the number of requests, success hits, and error hits ( see attached file ) .

We can also see our application logs from their Kubernetes pods, but we’re unable to see this information using TyK.

For you information I also sent attached the log of TyK Gateway following the request from your colleague Matt Freeman.

Best regards,

Hi @energyavm,

As this has now been logged on our Support system we will progress the issue with you there. Once we have resolved this, or identified the root cause we will post the results here for completion.


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