Inconsistent numbers of analytics

Hello again, This question might be in wrong category, please guide me how to change in that case.

Dashboard -> API Usage Data -> Activity by API -> Active APIs.

My API 6,215 4,234 334 about a minute ago

How do I interpret these numbers?
Are they supposed to add up to the same (Request = Success + Error), because that is what I would expect. Is there a misconfiguration on my end or expected behaviour that some analytics-data is missing?

If this is somewhat expected, then which of the numbers would be closest to “the truth”, Requests vs success/errors?

Bonus question:
Dashboard -> Gateway Dashboard -> Error Breakdown
For what timespan is this graph showing because the numbers in this graph do not align with any other numbers above, nor with the Average usage over time-graph.

Looking at the Tyk Pump logic tyk-pump/mongo_aggregate.go at master · TykTechnologies/tyk-pump · GitHub this can happen if you have 3XX http codes (redirects).

Do you think it is your case?

That… Might actually be it.
We are using 304 NOT MODIFIED quite frequently in our API’s Upstream.

It would be nice to have data on this aswell but atleast I now know how to read the data. Thank you very much.