Hi, I am trying to secure my api using Oauth 2.0 password grant type. But I am getting error like { "error": "access_denied", "error_description": "The resource owner or authorization server denied the request." }

Hello @scooby and welcome to the community :partying_face:

Could you enable debug mode and share the output when you trigger the REST API. Debug log can be enabled by setting the log level field for more verbose logging.


Hi @Olu , When I configured tyk in ubuntu virtual machine and tried to spin up all the containers in tyk-pro-docker-demo…I am getting an error as shown below

could you please help me in this aspect?

This issue is completely different from the Oauth2 issue. If you are having challenges with deploying a dashboard instance then I would recommend creating a new topic, so the conversation is streamlined.

Quick hint, the dashboard requires a commercial license for you to deploy. The warning above mentions there isn’t a license key. I could be wrong but it is worth checking the container logs of the dashboard for any potential errors.

For the OAuth 2 issue, the gateway logs is where you want to focus attention on. Hope this helps