Having issues with Developer Key Access Rights

Here’s the scenario using premium on-prem tyk portal & tyk gateway:

  • Have a series of API’s defined in Tyk Portal.
  • A group of the APIs are tied together in a Policy with Access Rights.
  • An API Catalog is published using this Policy.

We create developers, request and approve keys - and can call through the gateway just fine.

Next we add an additional API and add it to the SAME policy as mentioned above. I can see this new API in the Policy with the correct access rights (it’s the same as all the the other ones). When a developer requests a key and it’s approved and attempts to call this new API, they get the following error message (all the other APIs in the policy work just fine):

   "error": "Access to this API has been disallowed"

If we look the key up in the Portal, it says the Rate Limiting, Usage Quotas and Access Rights are “…being overwritten by POLICY_NAME Policy” - so far everything looks correct, however when we inspect the Access Rights list, the new API is missing.

Somehow the new API’s Access Right appears to not have propagated through to the new key. (I’m also worried about what would happen to an old key tied to this policy as well).

I’m expecting to be able to add & remove API’s from a Policy and have those Permissions propagate through to the API catalog and to each Key tied to that Catalog/Policy. Am I missing something?