Error when creating Federation "Your API is not federation eligible"

Hello All,

I am new to tyk and trying to use the federation to create subgraphs to do a POC. However I am getting error as “Your API is not federation eligible” .
I am using API’s available over internet as below.

Please let me know if anyone has a solution to this error. I am using Tyk cloud trial.

Your API is not federation eligible means that your API cannot be integrated into a GraphQL federation.

A GraphQL federation allows multiple GraphQL services to work together as one unified API. This makes it easy for you to access data from different sources without dealing with multiple separate APIs.

We have a federated sample you can demo at tyk-demo/deployments/federation at master · TykTechnologies/tyk-demo · GitHub

Hope this helps

Welcome to the Tyk community, @Prakash_Chandra !

As Olu mentioned, the GraphQL APIs you are using for your POC are not designed for federation.
Typically, subgraphs need to be designed using specific directives and with federation in mind, without it a gateway will not be able to combine the subgraphs into a federated supergraph.

However, there is another way, using which you could combine general-purpose GraphQL APIs, called schema stitching. You should be able to stitch together the two GraphQL APIs mentioned in your post using Tyk Universal Data Graph.

Would you be able to share more details about your use case? Happy to help :slight_smile: