Cannot able to access API in on-premise

Hi, I have created an API and also a key. When I am trying to access that API using that API Url, I could not able to get the API content. I have also attached the screenshot of the postman window. Kindly go through it and help me with this.
Also, I have checked that Url with curl command and it shows error like this:

Do you actually have that domain?

I suspect you are installing this locally, in which case your configuration file will tell you which domain and port you are listening on.

If it is the default then you can get you api on http://localhost:8080/test-api

Try and experiment and learn to find out, it’s very rewarding :slight_smile:

Hi, This link also doesn’t work.

You need to work this out yourself. You will have your own domain and port your gateway is running on, the above is just an example.

where actually the configuration file is? Do you mean that file?

No, I mean your tyk.conf file. It will be in your Tyk folder. You have an equivalent file in the Tyk-analytics folder which contains the configuration file for the dashboard.

Do I need to provide a hosting domain ?

If you are hosting on a domain, then yes.

Can I able to run it on my localhost for primary stage?

Yes, of course.

If you are localhost then see my first response above!

Ya, I have tried that one, but I can’t able to access the API.
Could you please tell me the information to create an API like, what should be the custom domain name, whether I have to select the strip listen path. Could you explain it clearly?
So that I could able to run it on localhost?

I would follow the get started guide exactly from the docs here:

In the documentation, they have provided the instructions for cloud.How could I create the API to run it on localhost? The main problem lies in accessing the api again back.

I sent you the link to the documentation for on premises like you need!