When will tyk-operator support OAS API definitions?

My team is uses OpenAPI specs for our API definitions. We’re a full k8s environment, and so tyk-operator makes a ton of sense. Instead, we’ve had to cobble a script with tyk-sync. This is pretty brittle.

OAS is a pretty common standard, so we were hoping that OAS + tyk-operator would be resolved. Based on this page OAS API definitions are not supported yet. It’s been saying Coming Soon! for a year. Any updates?

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All I can say is that it’s coming pretty soon. I don’t have a timeline but I speculate it should be out in a few months.

Our latest v5.3.0 put OAS on par with the Tyk classic APIs, meaning they are fully mature. This was a pre-requisite before any operator configurations, implementations and actions are taken.

@Andy_O Would you care to comment on a possible timeframe?

Hi @skawaguchi_flipp

Thank you for your interests in OAS and Tyk Operator.

As @Olu mentioned we are aiming to fully support the Kubernetes workflow in a few months. We are actively working on a new custom resource to support OAS API Definition and you can get a glimpse at [TT-4880] Added support of OAS by komalsukhani · Pull Request #687 · TykTechnologies/tyk-operator · GitHub.

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Thanks for the info! I’ll keep my eye on that PR and check back in on this in a couple of months, then.

@carol Hi! I noticed that the PR you referenced above is updated. However, I don’t see anything about OAS in the release notes and this page seems to indicate it’s still the Tyk Classic API definitions.

Any updates?

Hello @skawaguchi_flipp , we are preparing for the next release which would include the support of OAS API definitions.