UDG: Cannot access fields of an input

After updating to 3.2.0, I’m no longer able to access specific fields of an input using a UDG. I’ve added customer as an input argument in my data model

input customer {
  uuid: ID
  first_name: String!
  last_name: String!
  postal_code: String!

and in the data source body I have the below

  "first_name": "{{.arguments.customer.first_name}}",
  "last_name": "{{.arguments.customer.last_name}}",
  "postal_code": "{{.arguments.customer.postal_code}}",
  "token": "{{.arguments.customer.uuid}}"

yet when I run the query and check the log browser, it evaluates to the below

  "first_name": "{"uuid":"123","first_name":"john","last_name":"smith","postal_code":"12345"}",
  "last_name": "{"uuid":"123","first_name":"john","last_name":"smith","postal_code":"12345"}",
  "postal_code": "{"uuid":"123","first_name":"john","last_name":"smith","postal_code":"12345"}",
  "token": "{"uuid":"123","first_name":"john","last_name":"smith","postal_code":"12345"}"

Hi @Fahad_Ahmed

You may need to check if your API definition is valid in 3.2.0 as it introduced some breaking changes.

For example graphql.type_field_configurations is no longer used and graphql.engine.data_sources is now the replacement for GraphQL APIs.

Kindly follow our migration guide for more information. If you have further issues then please reply on the thread

@Olu I followed the migration guide to get to this point. My API is valid in 3.2.0. I am creating a new API through the dashboard and it does not have graphql.type_field_configurations

  "created_at": "2021-07-21T16:15:47Z",
  "api_model": {},
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      "schema": "type CreateAuthorizationControlsResponse {\n  token: String!\n}\n\ntype CreateUserResponse {\n  token: String!\n  createVelocityControls(amount_limit: Float): CreateVelocityControlsResponse\n  createAuthorizationControls(merchant: merchant): CreateAuthorizationControlsResponse\n}\n\ntype CreateVelocityControlsResponse {\n  token: String!\n}\n\ninput customer {\n  uuid: ID\n  first_name: String!\n  last_name: String!\n  postal_code: String!\n}\n\ninput merchant {\n  mid: String\n}\n\ntype Mutation {\n  createUser(customer: customer!): CreateUserResponse\n}\n\ntype Query {\n  default: String\n}\n",
      "enabled": true,
      "engine": {
        "field_configs": [
            "type_name": "CreateUserResponse",
            "field_name": "createVelocityControls",
            "disable_default_mapping": true,
            "path": [
            "type_name": "CreateUserResponse",
            "field_name": "createAuthorizationControls",
            "disable_default_mapping": true,
            "path": [
            "type_name": "Mutation",
            "field_name": "createUser",
            "disable_default_mapping": true,
            "path": [
        "data_sources": [
            "kind": "REST",
            "name": "create_velocity_controls",
            "internal": true,
            "root_fields": [
                "type": "CreateUserResponse",
                "fields": [
            "config": {
              "url": "tyk://d0c6e7a84d9e423e68587a0b540053ce/",
              "method": "POST",
              "body": "{\n  \"usage_limit\": 3,\n  \"velocity_window\": \"LIFETIME\",\n  \"amount_limit\": \"{{.arguments.amount_limit}}\",\n  \"currency_code\": \"USD\"\n}",
              "headers": {
                "Authorization": "{{.request.headers.Authorization}}"
              "default_type_name": "CreateVelocityControlsResponse"
            "kind": "REST",
            "name": "create_auth_controls",
            "internal": true,
            "root_fields": [
                "type": "CreateUserResponse",
                "fields": [
            "config": {
              "url": "tyk://0fb4636009414b5358e5c9591c3145a6/",
              "method": "POST",
              "body": "{\n  \"name\": \"123\",\n  \"merchant_scope\": {\n    \"mid\": \"{{.arguments.merchant.mid}}\"\n  }\n}",
              "headers": {
                "Authorization": "{{.request.headers.Authorization}}"
              "default_type_name": "CreateAuthorizationControlsResponse"
            "kind": "REST",
            "name": "create_users",
            "internal": true,
            "root_fields": [
                "type": "Mutation",
                "fields": [
            "config": {
              "url": "tyk://833f8d8f6f774d2a6c07d3cf1be0a885/",
              "method": "POST",
              "body": "{\n  \"first_name\": \"{{.arguments.customer.first_name}}\",\n  \"last_name\": \"{{.arguments.customer.last_name}}\",\n  \"postal_code\": \"{{.arguments.customer.postal_code}}\",\n  \"token\": \"{{.arguments.customer.uuid}}\"\n}",
              "headers": {
                "Authorization": "{{.request.headers.Authorization}}"
              "default_type_name": "CreateUserResponse"
      "type_field_configurations": [],
      "execution_mode": "executionEngine",
      "proxy": {
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      "version": "2",
      "playground": {
        "enabled": false,
        "path": ""
      "last_schema_update": "2021-07-23T14:39:30.787Z"
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    "name": "vcn/onboard_user #VCN",
    "slug": "vcn/onboard_user",
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      "allowed_authorize_types": [],
      "auth_login_redirect": ""
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    "version_data": {
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      "default_version": "",
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  "user_group_owners": [],
  "user_owners": []

Hi @Fahad_Ahmed

Thanks for bringing this our attention. I can observe the same thing after importing the API definition.

I will check with team and find out if this is possible.

Hi @Fahad_Ahmed

I checked a previous version (3.1.0 to be exact) and found it was working as expected. So I have filed a bug request with the engineering team.

I don’t think there is a workaround at the moment and we do apologize for the inconvenience. I have set a high priority on the bug request and will let you know when I get an update from the engineering team.

Hi @Fahad_Ahmed
I also encountered this issue and the only way I found to overcome this right now is to send the whole input as the body instead of mapping its fields to JSON payload. Like so {{ .arguments.input }} or {{ .arguments.customer }} in your case. If you are using a dashboard to configure the request body it may complain that something is wrong with the request body but it actually works.

Hey @Fahad_Ahmed!
I’m from the UDG team, this issue was brought to my attention today.
We’ll look into this and come back with more info.