Ubuntu package for tyk-pump 0.6?

I recently updated to the latest packages available for our Ubuntu tyk environment. I see that Gateway upgraded to 2.8 and Dashboard to 1.8, but Pump is still at 0.5.4. Pump 0.6 is the newest release and has the ElasticSearch 6 support that I need. Is a package coming soon? Thanks!

It’s actually a bit more confusing than that. In the ‘tyk’ github repo, there’s a release titled “Tyk Gateway v2.8, Tyk Dashboard v1.8 and Tyk Pump v0.6” Release Tyk Gateway v2.8, Tyk Dashboard v1.8 and Tyk Pump v0.6 · TykTechnologies/tyk · GitHub)

But in the tyk-pump repo, there is no 0.6 release. (Releases · TykTechnologies/tyk-pump · GitHub).