Tyk websocket return http status code 200

I have tyk running a super graph that have graphql subscription.
When I tried to connect to the websocket, I got this error

Received unexpected status code (200 OK)

Is it expected to get this status code ? I believe I should be getting 101 Switching Protocols status code.

Is there some config I missed ? I have this config in my tyk.conf

"http_server_options": {
    "enable_websockets": true,
    "read_timeout": 15000,
    "write_timeout": 1000,
    "flush_interval": 1

Hello, @septiyanms, and welcome to the Tyk Community!

Before I can help you with your problem I need more information:

  • Which Tyk Version are you using?
  • What does your request look like? (headers, body)

Thank you!