Tyk standard error codes

Where can I find the standard error codes Tyk uses? For example, I need to put in the documentation of my API the codes for “too many requests (higher than accepted rate)”, “API key is invalid or missing”, “base API is unreachable”, “API key expired”, “maximum number of requests for the plan was reached”.

Do you have a page in the documentation that describes error codes? I haven’t found.


I don’t think they are in the docs yet (we should add them) but i did note a few of these down:

(“Access to this API has been disallowed”), 403
(“Rate limit exceeded”), 429
(“Authorization field missing”), 401
(“Not found”), 404
(“Key is inactive, please renew”), 403
(“Key has expired, please renew”), 401
(“Quota exceeded”), 403


It would be great if these could be properly documented at some point! Been trying to find out myself and only found this forum post.

Thanks for the feedback, we’ll improve this.

Another few to add:

If the Target URL is unavailable to the Gateway:
(“There was a problem proxying the request”), 500

When a circuit breaker is enforced:
("Service temporarily unavailable."), 503

If the Target URL is not resolvable in DNS:
("Upstream host lookup failed"), 500

If the client closed the TCP connection:
("Client closed request"), 499

Timeout on request to Target URL:
("Upstream service reached hard timeout"),???

Is there anywhere in the doc?