Tyk Release V4.0.12 & V4.3.3

Hello Tyk Community! :raised_hand:

:fire:4.0.12/4.3.3:fire: have officially been released. Here are the details:

Release Notes for 4.0.12Release Notes for 4.3.3

:rocket: Highlights

Highlights from these patches include fixes with:

  • The X-Tyk-Cached-Response header is not included in our analytics data so there isn’t a way for end users to determine if their api responses are being retrieved from the cache as they should.
  • Finding that in a system with multiple Gateways (Nodes) that the organization rate limit isn’t being respected.
  • When using the JSON validation middleware the edge gateways respond with "error": "no schemas to validate against" while the control plane gateways work correctly. It looks like the schema isn’t being passed to the edge gateways. - Thanks to the #team-ext-platform-squad for providing MDCB 2.1.0 release to enable this fix.

:tools: Bug fixes and minor changes


Release v4.3.3 && v4.0.12

:pencil: Installation/Upgrade instructions

Tyk installation: Installation

:speech_balloon: Feedback
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