Tyk Pump Release v1.7.0

Hello Tyk Community! :raised_hand:

Tyk Pump v1.7.0 has been released today! Here are the details:

:rocket: Highlights
Pump 1.7 is a significant release, adding a new pump that will transfer GraphQL transaction logs to MongoDB (sorry, no support for SQL just yet). There are also many feature enhancements, mainly for the Prometheus and Mongos pumps - including support for custom metrics, self-healing, bug fixes, etc.

:tools: Bug fixes and changes

  • Added support for sending GraphQL records to Mongo pump, supporting the extended API definition in Tyk Gateway version 4.3
  • Improved the write performance of the Prometheus pump, reducing CPU load at high throughputs
    • Improved support for custom metrics in the Prometheus pump
    • Prometheus custom metrics can now be configured using environment variables
    • Fixed an issue where a custom metric was not exposed by the Prometheus endpoint when defining two custom metrics
    • Added support for using the key alias as a label
    • Improved handling of custom histogram metrics
  • Added automatic adjustment of aggregation window (self-healing) to the Mongo Aggregate pump to avoid data loss when the Mongo document reaches maximum size.
  • Added support for MongoDB “readPreference” connection argument
  • Fixed a bug where the Pump would report errors when used with CosmosDB
  • Fixed a bug where Mongo Pump would log the entire MongoDB connection string when used in MDCB
  • Fixed a bug in the calculation of document size when using Mongo Selective Pump
  • Added the ability to skip the SSL checks done when Elasticsearch Pump connects to the ELK stack when using a self-signed certificate to secure the connection
  • Enhanced Tyk Pump Demo mode to allow a configurable number of records per hour and multiple days in the simulated data
  • Added the ability not to log the content of certain fields in the API transaction record, reducing the size of the analytics logs
  • Updated the logging format within Pump to match that of Tyk Gateway and Dashboard

From the Tyk Community

  • Integrated a PR from @hysed-dojo to disable default Prometheus metrics

:pencil: Installation/Upgrade instructions
More details here: Tyk Pump Configuration
Additional resources: GitHub - TykTechnologies/tyk-pump: Tyk Analytics Pump to move analytics data from Redis to any supported back end (multiple back ends can be written to at once).
Changelog: Release v1.7.0 · TykTechnologies/tyk-pump · GitHub

Still seeing issues with Tyk-Pump? Please visit our Github repository and submit an issue- our Engineers will be more than happy to help!

:speech_balloon: Feedback
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