I am following this process:
A. Initial Data Creation, and save to file; on a Tyk-Pro on-premise
- Create API definitions
- Create Policies referencing API definitions from (1)
- Create API-Keys referencing Policies and API Definitions form above
B. On a new instance of Tyk-Pro on-premise, re-import the saved data (updating the new ORG_ID) from (A) above.
- Create API definitions using already saved payloads,
- Create new policies (as existing one’s don’t use their _id fields), using existing payload info
- Create API-Keys with same API-Key name and payload from (A).
Endpoint for API-Key Creation
Endpoint used for API-key creation in (B), as:
curl PUT http://localhost:8080/tyk/keys/{ACCESS_KEY}?suppress_reset=1 --data $keyPayload --header "x-tyk-authorization: TYK_GATEWAY_NODE_SECRET" --header "Content-Type: application/json"
- The two API-Keys cannot be created, the logs say:
for the first API-Key:cannot apply multiple policies if any are non-partitioned
for the second API-Key:cannot apply multiple quota policies
The first API key payload has two policies both having partition defined as '{"quota":false,"rate_limit":false,"acl":false}'
The second API key payload has two policies both having partitions as:
- I am really lost here not sure how to make this work
- The key got created initially with same policies, and doesn’t work in (B)
Can I please get some helpful pointers here?