Tyk Panic (right after Docker-style install)

Ok, so I added www.tyk-portal-test.com to my c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts bound to my server IP but when I try to register a new user through portal/register it has quite the same result.

Here is a more complete log :

time="Oct 14 13:13:36" level=warning msg="No developer quota set - bypassing"
time="Oct 14 13:13:36" level=warning msg="Checking developer quota: true"
time="Oct 14 13:13:36" level=warning msg="No developer quota set - bypassing"
time="Oct 14 13:13:36" level=warning msg="No portal configuration found"
time="Oct 14 13:13:36" level=info msg="Updated dev count"
time="Oct 14 13:13:36" level=info msg="Email notifications disabled, skipping Send()"
ERROR 2016/10/14 13:13:36.712961 panic_handler.go:26: PANIC
URL: /57fe4c7510215a0001000001/portal/register/