Tyk Operator Release v0.15.0

Hi there :wave:

Happy to announce Tyk Operator v0.15.0 is released.

:eye_in_speech_bubble: What’s new?

Tyk Operator v0.15.0 helps you understand API reconciliation status with a new ‘latestTransaction’ status subresource in APIDefinition CRD. We have added support for validate_json disabled field, additional volume options, and improved monitoring via ServiceMonitor for Prometheus. Fixes include allowing null value for subgraphs’ headers and reconciliation issues.

:hammer: Upgrading to v0.15.0

While upgrading Tyk Operator release via Helm, please make sure that the latest CRDs are also applied on the cluster, as follows:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TykTechnologies/tyk-operator/v0.15.0/helm/crds/crds.yaml

:information_source: Release Notes