Tyk Gateway v2.9.3, Tyk Dashboard 1.9.3, Tyk Pump 0.8.4, Tyk MDCB 1.7.2, Tyk Identity Broker 0.7.1

Tyk Gateway 2.9.3

  • Added a way to force the validation of a hostname against the certificate Common Name. Added two Boolean variables to enable it on the API definition layer proxy.transport.ssl_force_common_name_check and the global tyk.conf level ssl_force_common_name_check . #2774
  • Now plugins can fully override the response body. Added new boolean option: for Python and gRPC plugins set return_overrides.override_error , or for JSVM plugins ReturnOverrides.OverrideError . #2693
  • Now, for overriding a response via plugins, use ResponseBody (JSVM) or response_body (Python/gRPC), instead of ResponseError and response_error fields respectively. The old field still can be used for backward compatibility. #2693
  • Added support for specifying Policy metadata, similar to Keys. All Keys created based on policy will inherit policy metadata. #2717
  • Now you can configure the maximum size of gRPC plugin messages using coprocess_options.grpc_recv_max_size and coprocess_options.grpc_send_max_size variables. #2203
  • Fixed the case when using throttling can lead to an infinite loop, if during throttling event if another gateway instance was added or removed from the cluster. #2687
  • Added Redis Sentinel support, using new storage.master_name variable. #2769
  • Added new storage.addrs string array field, to specify a list of hosts, instead of storage.hosts . This allows you to specify Redis servers on the same domain but different ports. #2769
  • Fixed issues when Keys and Certificate listing endpoints do not return all the data when using Redis Cluster #2760
  • Fixed issue with analytics data expiration for Multi-Cloud clients #2797
  • Fixed MutualTLS auth when multiple APIs are deployed on the same domain and only one of them has mutual TLS enabled #2625
  • Fixed the validation of Redis event verification for inter-cluster messages #2762
  • Fixed detailed logging for responses generated by plugins #2367
  • Now you can access an API definition inside a Go plugin, using ctx.GetDefinition #2624
  • Fixed Reds fallback for oAuth APIs #2799
  • Fixed WebSocket proxying errors on high concurrency #2708
  • Fixed the combination of method transform and URL rewrite plugins #1598
  • Fix python plugins crashes on concurrent calls #2760
  • OAuth authorize endpoint now properly returns state attribute #2678
  • Improved the memory consumption for the Gateways which have JSVM enabled. Now it should load JSVM VM only API actually uses it. #2702
  • Distributed rate limiter now automatically switch to Redis algorithm (a bit slower but more accurate), if the DRL can’t provide enough accuracy (like low limits with high number of servers), you can control this behavior using drl_threshold option, which specifies the min number of requests PER gateway, for the rate limit. If it is lower then the Redis algorithm will be used. #2674

Tyk Dashboard 1.9.3

  • Now each authentication middleware can have its own configuration for authentication header name, query param, or cookie name.
  • Now you can set metadata for a Policy.
  • Dashboard notifications now do not require exposing a separate port.
  • Added Redis Sentinel support, using the new redis_master_name variable.
  • Added new storage.addrs string array field, to specify a list of hosts, instead of storage.hosts . This allows you to specify Redis servers on the same domain but different ports.
  • Improved form validation on Pages screen
  • Disabling versioning now should not remove endpoints from the first version
  • Fixed duplication when updating an OAuth client
  • Fix OAuth client screen to allow you to pick a policy which has multiple APIs https://github.com/TykTechnologies/tyk-analytics-ui/issues/1572
  • Fixed disable_parallel_sessions behavior when using Single Sign-On

Tyk Pump 0.8.4

  • Added Redis Sentinel support, using new storage.master_name variable.
  • Added new storage.addrs string array field, to specify a list of hosts, instead of storage.hosts . This allows you to specify Redis servers on the same domain but different ports.

Tyk MDCB 1.7.2

  • Added Redis Sentinel support, using the new storage.master_name variable.
  • Added new storage.addrs string array field, to specify a list of hosts, instead of storage.hosts . This allows you to specify Redis servers on the same domain but different ports.

Tyk Identity Broker 0.7.1