Tyk Gateway v2.3.6 and Tyk Dashboard v1.3.6

We are happy to announce new minor releases for both Gateway and Dashboard!

Tyk Gateway v2.3.6

Tyk Dashboard v1.3.6

Password reset

Added ability to reset user passwords.
By default user can reset only his own password.

Add a new permission ResetPassword, but it can be granted only via the admin API using following new endpoints: /admin/users/:userId/actions/allow_reset_passwords /admin/users/:userId/actions/disallow_reset_passwords. You need make request using PUT HTTP method

Example: curl -X PUT -H "admin-auth: <your secret>" http://<dashboard>/admin/users/:userId/actions/allow_reset_passwords

Password recovery

Now it’s possible for users to recover dashboard password using email. To enable this feature to ensure that you configure email https://tyk.io/tyk-documentation/configure/outbound-email-configuration/. Do not forget about new email_backend.dashboard_domain option which should be your public dashboard hostname.


  • Updated user interface branding
  • Added support for Mongo SSL protocol, using new mongo_ssl_insecure_skip_verify and mongo_use_ssl boolean variables
  • Current user now can’t revoke himself
  • Dashboard session timeout now configurable using dashboard_session_lifetime option and reduced to 1 hour by default.
  • Fixed missing API name on analytics pages for newly created API’s
  • Fixed Dashboard API key reset, if there were issues with old key

Binaries built with Go 1.7.6

Happy hacking!