Tyk gateway multipart behavior with http 403

I am currently trying to expose a multipart API via the TYK community gateway. In my tests, the passing case works fine, but I have two non-passing cases, one of which is strange:

First error case, when the backend returns an HTTP 401 upon receiving the first element of the multipart, TYK stops the multipart transfer. This is perfect, as it prevents transferring a huge payload for no reason. However, I’m experiencing a strange behavior when the backend returns a 403; TYK continues to process the multipart even though the backend has terminated the conversation. Do you know what causes the different behavior for the 403 response?

I should note that I have disabled analytics.

@Alexandre_Wintrebert Welcome to the community.

403s can be different, what is the status message?

Here is a list of possible causes of a 403 errors - Access to this API has been disallowed. Maybe it helps