Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal v1.8.5 release

Hello Tyk Community! :raised_hand:

Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal v1.8.5 has been released today! Here are the details:

:rocket: Highlights
This patch fixes a critical vulnerability: CVE-2024-3094

:tools: Bug fixes and minor changes

  • Fixed CVE-2024-3094 by replacing the Debian base image.

:pushpin: Affected versions
If you are on 1.8.4, we advise you to upgrade ASAP to this release. This release doesnโ€™t introduce any changes to the theme, so a theme upgrade is not required.

:pencil: Installation/Upgrade instructions
If you are on 1.8.3 or older version, please follow the upgrade instructions for the portalโ€™s themes.

:speech_balloon: Feedback
Donโ€™t forget to star us on Github and Artifacthub!

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