Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal Github Helm Documentation Missing

Hi guys, can you add please readme docs for enterprise developer portal or for simple portal, because we are encountering some issues during installation with helm charts in k8s, thank you.

Also there are two repos for helm charts which of them we are supposed to use?

Hello @devher0 and welcome to the community.

Apologies for getting to this late. I have dropped an issue on the repo and linked it here

Also there are two repos for helm charts which of them we are supposed to use?

Can you share the two repos that are visible to you? I can only observe one

Regarding the installation issues, can you share more information on the errors and your configuration?

Hi @devher0

we have added docs for dev portal at tyk-charts/components/tyk-dev-portal at main · TykTechnologies/tyk-charts · GitHub