September 21, 2022, 12:03am
After much trouble I finally got tyk self managed installed on ubuntu (not my preference of software couldn’t get CentOS to work with tyk).
If I check the status it says its running fine along with the gate way but when I go to my IP:3000, it doesn’t show up.
I specified to use my specific IP during the install scripts in the --domain=“XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX” option but still cant connect.
Sadly server is remote so localhost isn’t an option
I checked and the IP is reachable via a ping from an external networked device and the port 3000 is open
September 21, 2022, 8:01am
Hi @mwalton ,
Are you able to provide the complete command you used to install the dashboard?
September 21, 2022, 10:08am
sudo /opt/tyk-dashboard/install/ --listenport=3000 --redishost=localhost --redisport=6379 --mongo=mongodb://localhost/tyk_analytics --tyk_api_hostname=$HOSTNAME --tyk_node_hostname=http://localhost --tyk_node_port=8080 --portal_root=/portal --domain="XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
of course i replaced the domain=“” with my servers IP
September 26, 2022, 10:34am
Hi @mwalton
Could you run " netstat -na|grep 3000 " on the Ubuntu OS. If the port status is " LISTENING" then
$ sudo ufw disable, and try again from a browser IP_ADDRESS:3000 . If it doesn’t work could you add the mongodb port and re-run the install script