We have a tyk-gateway 3.2.2
We would like to use Proxy-Authorization, through which we have one of the api_definition configured.
But apparently the Proxy-Authorization header cuts out before sending the request to the proxy server.
"transport": {
"proxy_url": "http://proxy-url:9999",
"ssl_ciphers": [],
"ssl_force_common_name_check": false,
"ssl_insecure_skip_verify": true,
"ssl_max_version": 0,
"ssl_min_version": 0
Is this the correct behaviour of the gateway ?
How can I solve this problem ?
Thanks !
July 27, 2022, 1:28pm
Hello @ignashkins ,
Thank you for posting this.
Proxy-Authorization is a hop-by-hop header so it gets dropped as you’ve observed.
Refs: 1 , 2
Using a global header might be useful though? You can set the Proxy-Authorization within the API definition.
"version_data": {
"versions": {
"Default": {
"name": "Default",
"global_headers": {
"Proxy-Authorization": "hard-written-token"
Or better yet, get it from the request context and (re)add it to the request.
You’ll need to enable context variables in the API definition
"enable_context_vars": true,
"version_data": {
"versions": {
"Default": {
"name": "Default",
"global_headers": {
"Proxy-Authorization": "$tyk_context.headers_Proxy_Authorization"
Let us know how it goes?
Unfortunately the header still cuts out and does not reach the proxy server.
We have tried both options. I understand that the header is cut after.
August 3, 2022, 10:06am
One more try with a Custom Post Middleware plugin. According to the Request Middleware chain , this runs just before the Proxy.
Here’s a sample implementation with Python.
def PostMiddlewareFunction(request, session, spec):
tyk.log("Python plugin: Post hook called", "info")
request.add_header("Python-Plugin-Post-Hook", "Post Hook")
proxy_auth = request.get_header("Proxy-Authorization")
request.add_header("Proxy-Authorization", proxy_auth)
return request, session
And the corresponding manifest.json
"file_list": [
"custom_middleware": {
"post": [
"name": "PostMiddlewareFunction"
"driver": "python"
I’m doubtful though.
Post middleware is called before reverse_proxy middleware. So unfortunately this didn’t solve our problem either.
I understand that our situation is an exception to the rule. It looks like we will have to change the source code.
The idea is that with api_definition.transport.proxy_url tyk should understand that there is another proxy server behind it. And based on that be able to pass hop-by-hop headers. But this contradicts security -)
In short, a silly situation.
Thank you for your time!