Transformation and Routing in TYK

Dear Leon,

While debugging, I noticed that the payload is hitting the upstream api in the below format; after newRequest object variable has been stringify for TykMakeHttpRequest function.
“{“customerId”: “0100000005”, “schemeCode”: “02”, “walletStatus”: true, “createdBy”: “oyinda”, “accountName”: “oyinda”}”

However expected format to hit the upstream api is JSON object as shown:
{“customerId”: “0100000005”, “schemeCode”: “02”, “walletStatus”: true, “createdBy”: “oyinda”, “accountName”: “oyinda”}

But I tried using the TykMakeHttpRequest function without stringify the request object variable (newRequest) because of the JSON payload but it threw an error. Is it possible to use TykMakeHttpRequest without stringifying the request object passed into the function ? or is there an alternative function which sends object to the third party api without stringify, as the third party api I’m routing to expects an object not a string.
