HI, I have created apI using below definition:
curl -v -H “x-tyk-authorization: 352d20ee67be67f6340b4c0605b044b7”
-H “Content-Type: application/json”
-d '{
“name”: “test”,
“slug”: “test”,
“api_id”: “test”,
“org_id”: “1”,
“use_keyless”: true,
“definition”: {
“location”: “header”,
“key”: “x-api-version”
“version_data”: {
“not_versioned”: true,
“versions”: {
“Default”: {
“name”: “Default”,
“use_extended_paths”: true
"strip_auth_data": false
"proxy": {
"listen_path": "/CloudGateway/rest/",
"target_url": "https://ip-10-10-31-38.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal:8443/",
"strip_listen_path": true
"active": true
}’ http://ec2-18-142-155-240.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com:8080/tyk/apis | python -mjson.tool
when I hit tyk url I get “There was a problem proxying the request”
I am using selfsigned certificate at the target app, is it causing the issue. If yes then how I can fix. Please help to share your thought.