"There was a problem proxying the request", configure an outgoing proxy for the gateway


It’s my first tyk on premise installation, i’m following the tuto from
https:// Tyk API Gateway Documentation

i’m trying the test with “https:// httpbin.org/
I’m behing a proxy, the http_env var are set, and i can do a “wget https:// httpbin.org/” from shell

but i don’t think the gateway uses the proxy environment variable
i didn’t found any example on the web on how to configure an outgoing proxy
i found this
https ://community.tyk.io/t/using-tyk-behind-a-proxy/644
and i hope it has been solved since 2016

curl -H “Authorization: [mytoken]” https:// myhostname.io:8080/test_api/

“error”: “There was a problem proxying the request”

in the logs i got :
time=“Mar 29 09:42:33” level=error msg=“http: proxy error: dial tcp i/o timeout” api_id=2068532940a04e7859f1cc7343b4add9 org_id=5abb86c7c9293914b87241be server_name=httpbin.org user_id=“****3e73” user_ip=X.X.X.X user_name=

It really looks like the gateway does not use the proxy.
I don’t know how to set it

it’s probably in the file tyk.conf
maybe inside http_server_options

I’ll pass the end of the week on another API management tool.
if i have no answer, i’ll try to search in the code for an outgoing proxy option
I’ll answer if i find the solution



Hi Amaury

It sounds like you are doing an evaluation for a project? If so, we have pre-sales support for POCs via our helpdesk, rather than rely on the community for answers.

I’ll send you a direct message so that we can see whether that is appropriate and useful for you.



Hi @James .
Hope you are doing good. I also have the same concern. I am trying to route my quarkus application through Tyk gateway on windows and getting the same error.
Could you please provide support here. I am doing a POC on Tyk api gateway


Hi @shubham_vashisht - wow, this is an OLD thread, will be very happy to help though.

Firstly, so we can give guidance, which install guide have you followed? That will help us understand what is installed and what config defaults have been used. The common install guides for Open Source Gateway on it’s own, and also Full API Management (Gateway plus Dashboarfd), are here: Tyk API Gateway Documentation

Let me know!


@shubham_vashisht James is right. Sharing your deployment environment would help

Maybe this topic Http_proxy setting for tyk may be of help