Shared types in GraphQL Federation (@shareable)

Hey @DavidS,

thank you for clarification…

I have a guess as to what might be causing the problem:
Our microservices are implemented with Netflix DGS and Java. There seems to be a limitation in a dependent GraphQL Java library (graphql-java) that it cannot write “extend type query” to the SDL.

Instead it writes the following:

type Query @extends {

According to Apollo Federation Spec v1 this directive is an alternative and therefore probably supported by Apollo Gateway.

Some libraries such as graphql-java don’t have native support for type extensions in their printer. Apollo Federation supports using an @extends directive in place of extend type to annotate type references

Apollo Federation Spec V1 - Fetch service capabilities

Does Tyk support the alternative notation with @extends as well, or is “extend type Query” expected in the SDL in any case?