Setting up tyk on ubuntu 16.04 in Oracle VirtualBox

I tried setting up on-premise tyk on ubuntu 16.04 over Oracle VirtualBox on windows 7 64 bit.

I have used the steps mentioned in below tyk site

but when I check, I’m getting unable to connect.

Need help in setting this up. If you have video tutorial, let me know.

Thanks in Advance!



Just to clarify, you mention “” address, does it mean you configured custom DNS record “”? Or you accessing it via VirtualBox IP address? Ensure that in VirtualBox settings you opened port 3000 and it is visible to Windows.

Leonid, Tyk Team, I have mentioned in /etc/hosts file as below
I have tried netstat -anlp | grep 3000 & netstat -anlp | grep 8080, but no output in ubuntu terminal.
I have not opened any ports in ubuntu running inside Oracle VirtualBox

Please help me with quick step by step installation guide for in ubuntu 16.04.

In your site only for ubuntu14.0 LTS , Steps are given. I tried those Steps in ubuntu 16.04. That could be the problem here.

I have been prohibited from sending outgoing mail from my official mail box to anyone else.

If possible come on skype.

my skype id is : aruljain