Response Body Transform unable to write correct template

The api responds with this response [
“name”: “kubernetes”,
“id”: 1
“name”: “docker”,
“id”: 2
“name”: “tyk”,
“id”: 3

I am trying to write a response body transform that would only display first two data values.
For the same i am using this template

“name”: “{{}}”,
“id”: “{{}}”
“name”: “{{}}”,
“id”: “{{}}”
which throws an error. What could be possible template definition for this use case that works.


It’s a little more in depth than what you are trying there.

To get that output you can use this template:

[{{range $i, $a := .}}{{ if ne $ "tyk"}}{{ if $i}},{{ end }}{
    "name" : "{{index $}}",
    "id" : {{index $}}

There are a few simple Go template tricks here:

  1. We need a range to access the items iteratively in our slice
  2. The {{ if $i}},{{ end }} is a trick where we are emitting the comma seperator for our list first but not for the first item in our slice (this only prints when non-zero)
  3. There may be a better way to do this but ive just added an equivalency check to skip a certain matching property in our slice

Hope this helps you out!


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