Hi, I hope it’s fine to revive this thread because I’d like to clarify something.
I have a similar issue. I’m trying to setup Tyk for tests using the official documentation for Helm installation on a K8s cluster. I see the same error in the logs while creating a new policy:
level=debug msg="Requesting policy forZGVmYXVsdC9odHRwYmlu"
level=error msg="Policy doesn't exist." polID=ZGVmYXVsdC9odHRwYmlu prefix=policy
level=debug msg="Creating new definition file"
level=error msg="Failed to create file! - open ZGVmYXVsdC9odHRwYmlu.json: read-only file system"
I understand that the gateway process can’t create a file because of the read-only file system. What I don’t understand is where it tries to create the file. What is the full path?