Partitioned policy when field not set in key

I am not sure of a use case where you only want to use one partition API for a policy. Unless you are using multiple policies to create a key.

Anyways, there is a conditional check when a key created through a policy. If you don’t specify a rate limit, then the policy’s rate limit would be applied to the API instead. The example below should work for your use case.

"partitions": {
	"quota": false,
	"rate_limit": false,
	"complexity": false, // this depends if you are using GRAPH/UDG
	"acl": false,
	"per_api": true
  • quota: If set to true, enforce the quota element of this policy
  • rate_limit: If set to true, enforce the rate limit of this policy
  • acl: If set to true, enforce the access control rules of this policy
  • complexity: If set to true, enforce the GraphQL complexity rules of this policy
  • per_api: if set to true, please set quota, rate_limit, and acl to false

I hope I have been able to help. If not, then kindly share your policy definition and key creation API body.