OAuth2 Error when calling /oauth/token/


Getting this error when calling the endpoint curl -XPOST http://URL:8080/oauth-api/oauth/token/ -H “Authorization: Basic $(echo -n d864e79e3755452c8ddc13b68fbf5cd3:MGU1NjQzZWItM2E3MC00OWYxLTk4NjMtYzQ4NGZjYTMzMjVj | base64)” -d “grant_type=client_credentials”

time=“Oct 27 10:29:34” level=info msg=“Getting client ID:d864e79e3755452c8ddc13b68fbf5cd3”
time=“Oct 27 10:29:34” level=info msg=“[OAuth] Generating new token”
time=“Oct 27 10:29:34” level=info msg=“[OAuth] Notifying client host”
time=“Oct 27 10:29:34” level=error msg=“Request failed, trying again in 10s. Error was: Post : unsupported protocol scheme “””
time=“Oct 27 10:29:44” level=error msg=“Request failed, trying again in 10s. Error was: Post : unsupported protocol scheme “””
time=“Oct 27 10:29:54” level=error msg=“Request failed, trying again in 10s. Error was: Post : unsupported protocol scheme “””
time=“Oct 27 10:29:54” level=error msg=“Too many notification attempts, aborting.”

Anyone have seen this before ?

but the call is giving a response


And the Bearer broken also works…

Another interesting case is the developer portal loses the OAuth2 Clients after logout.


Hi, did you set oauth_on_keychange_url in your API definition?

This section could be useful.




The httpbin made it happy => https://httpbin.org/post

time=“Oct 27 11:13:47” level=info msg=“Getting client ID:d864e79e3755452c8ddc13b68fbf5cd3”
time=“Oct 27 11:13:47” level=info msg=“[OAuth] Generating new token”
time=“Oct 27 11:13:47” level=info msg=“[OAuth] Notifying client host”
time=“Oct 27 11:13:48” level=info msg=“Getting client ID:d864e79e3755452c8ddc13b68fbf5cd3”
time=“Oct 27 11:13:48” level=info msg=“[OAuth] Generating new token”
time=“Oct 27 11:13:48” level=info msg=“[OAuth] Notifying client host”
time=“Oct 27 11:13:49” level=info msg=“Getting client ID:d864e79e3755452c8ddc13b68fbf5cd3”
time=“Oct 27 11:13:49” level=info msg=“[OAuth] Generating new token”
time=“Oct 27 11:13:49” level=info msg=“[OAuth] Notifying client host”

this one is actually quite a surprise why the dev portal is losing the OAuth clients after logout ?

ok @matiasb I think you can fire a bug report in the developer dashboard unless it was planned to work like this. Scenario:
When using a registered user u keep your Oauth2 clients.

When using SSO the user loses the OAuth2 clients it looks like the user is created on the fly and only the requested keys in the Catalogue remain.
