Oauth token create method is not operated

I did test oauth2.0 authentication at tyk-gateway of on-premise.
But, [/tyk/oauth/aurhorize-clien] function is not operated.

I did read documentation.
and call the [{api-id}/tyk/oauth/authorrize-client].
type was [POST] and I inserted
[ x-tyk-authorization: 352d20ee67be67f6340b4c0605b044b7] to header. content-type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded

but, result is ‘404 page not found’
I want to use oauth authentication.

help me


Please ensure that you’re spelling the path correctly. You will need to add the listen path to the API call as well so your call should look a bit like the following:


Note that the slash at the end of the path is also required.


Jess @ Tyk