Not found response in Tyk mTLS

Hi @maantarng, can you check a couple of things as outlined in this thread? I have listed them below to make it easier

  • TLS and SSL settings in gateway config file
  • Multi auth mode in API definition file - Keyless and mTLS (I can see you have confirmed this)
  • Certificate ID (slightly different if an org ID is present)

What is the reason for this ‘Not found’ response?

If the result is coming from Tyk then there is nothing at that endpoint. It guess the protocol could cause this. Try using HTTPS (lowercase). If the same thing occurs, then kindly share the gateway logs (preferably in debug mode).

Is there any setting/ environment variable that I have to set?

I am not sure. However, if you crosscheck the list above, then we would be one step closer in figuring it out. You may have to share your API definition and gateway config file.