NEW Tyk Open-Source Helm Chart

Hello Tyk Community! :wave:

Very excited to announce that tyk-charts is made public today! This is the first major milestone for the whole new Helm Chart project.


What’s available

  • tyk-oss chart - one chart to install gateway and pump on your cluster. Follow documentation here on installation and configuration instructions.
  • tyk-gateway chart - component chart for installing gateway only
  • tyk-pump chart - component chart for installing pump only
    A Helm chart repository to install Tyk Pro (with Dashboard), Tyk Hybrid or Tyk Headless chart. - TykTechnologies/tyk-helm-chart

:memo: Installation/Upgrade instructions
Follow the guide outlined in our Github page

:speech_balloon: Feedback
Let us know what you think about this :slight_smile: !


Here’s some additional information if you want to know more about the NEW helm charts.

What’s the difference between tyk-oss and tyk-headless?

We have introduced many features and usability enhancement in the new chart, e.g.

  • Allow TLS certificate configuration via K8s Secret.
  • Add support for prometheus pump and prometheus operator.
  • Remove use of .conf configs file. All configurations should be set in values.yaml file.

Many more enhancements will be added incrementally. Please submit feature requests here.

Migration from tyk-headless

If you were using tyk-headless chart for existing release, you cannot upgrade directly. Please modify the values.yaml base on your requirements and install using the new tyk-oss chart. A migration helper tool will be introduced at later stage.