Mutual TLS in Tyk open source

From the second link you shared:

It says:

It is very likely that the server does not speak TLS at all.
The client will start with the TLS handshake and the server will reply to this with some non-TLS response. The client expect the server to do its part of the TLS handshake though. Thus it will try to interpret the servers as response as TLS. This will lead to strange error messages depending on the TLS stack used by the client.

I also saw it in when I googled it too.

When performing client mTLS, from what I understood I believe Tyk is the server here. But the strange thing is it doesn’t produce any logs when that endpoint is hit.

Also can you please verify if my implementation is correct or not? I could not find any documentation for implementing it using Tyk OPEN SOURCE gateway other than a mention it supports it. I tried to implement it by comparing with the procedure for Tyk dashboard.