Monitor TYK API Gateway output

how can I monitor the tyk-gateway output to get something like this:

INFO[0912] Reload URL Structure - Scheduled
INFO[0922] Loading API Specification from test_apps/1.json
INFO[0922] Loading API Specification from test_apps/test_api.json
INFO[0922] Detected 1 APIs
INFO[0922] --> Loading API: Test API
INFO[0922] ----> Tracking: (no host)
INFO[0922] ----> Checking security policy: Token
INFO[0922] Loading uptime tests...
INFO[0922] API reload complete

Depends on how you are running Tyk:

  • In docker: you can tail the docker container output, so you can always access it using docker logs -tail=100 -follow
  • In ubuntu: The stderr is written to /var/log/upstart/process-name.log
  • In other distros: The stderr is written to /var/log/process-name.stderr

In all linux distros you can just tail -f /log/path to follow the output of the daemonized process.

If you are managing the proc with something like supervisord, then supervisorctl offers a similar tail command for the procs.

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