Logs are not generating


The logs you are seeing are the gateway logs. You can set the log_level to increase and decrease the amount of messages given.

API analytics data is stored in redis. There is another open source product called tyk pump which can be used to extract that data and push it to a number of destinations including csv files, Prometheus, splunk, mongodb etc.

If enable_detailed_recording is set in tyk.conf then detailed analytics will be saved to redis for all API calls. This puts significant load onto redis for busy sites so should be used with care. Alternatively it is also possible to enable enable_detailed_recording for only individual APIs by setting "enable_detailed_recording": true in an API definition

To uninstall the gateway you would do the reverse of the installation process. You seem to be using an RPM based distribution so I would expect the uninstall to be yum erase tyk-gateway
