JWT token policy not found


I am creating a Security Policy for JWT for an API Definition but when I contact the endpoint providing the Bearer token, I receive:

    "error": "failed to create key: policy not found: \"ZGVmYXVsdC9waG90b25zZWN1cmUtcG9saWN5\""

Checking in /mnt/tyk-gateway/policies I can see that the policy exists:

I have no name!@gateway-tyk-dev-tyk-gateway-844494bd4d-q9qmg:/mnt/tyk-gateway/policies$  cat dHlrLW9zcy9waG90b25zZWN1cmUtcG9saWN5.json 
  "_id": "",
  "id": "dHlrLW9zcy9waG90b25zZWN1cmUtcG9saWN5",
  "name": "photonsecure-policy",
  "org_id": "",

Checking the following links/issues:
It seems that the solution is to set allow_explicit_policy_id=true in tyk.conf.

According to Tyk Gateway Configuration Options, there is an environmental variable for that, but setting the env variable in the gateway pod changes nothing.

My configuration is tyk-gateway with tyk-operator (0.15.1)

Does anyone had any experience/recommendation regarding this?

Thank you in advance

Hello @dtsek - welcome to the community!

There are 2 examples in this github directory:

Could you try them and see if you still have the same error?

If you still have the error - it’s worth perhaps checking the operator controller manager logs for any possible errors. Failing that, please share your API Definition CRD, Policy CRD and logs here.

Thank you @ahmet for the reply! My implementation is a copy of the first example of this link. The operator does not show any errors, only the gateway an error that is similar to the reply I am getting.

So your security policy is called photonsecure-policy and is in the default namespace.

Please double check the following:

apiVersion: tyk.tyk.io/v1alpha1
kind: SecurityPolicy
  name: photonsecure-policy <------------ THIS IS IMPORTANT
  active: true
  name: photonsecure-policy <----------------- THIS CAN BE ANY NAME
  state: active

And your ApiDefinition looks like this:

apiVersion: tyk.tyk.io/v1alpha1
kind: ApiDefinition
  name: httpbin
  name: httpbin
  jwt_identity_base_field: sub
  jwt_policy_field_name: pol
    - default/photonsecure-policy        <------- This should match namespace/name of policy