JWT authentication for OAS API

Hi there,
I am trying to get an OAS API authenticated with JWT. Deployed OAS API with securitySchemes as type=http, bearerformat=JWT and I can see it looks fine when querying /apis/oas/{api-id}.
My understanding is that to enable JWT authN in the x-tyk-api-gateway section I should add fields like enable_jwt, jwt_signing_method, jwt_source, jwt_identity_base_field and PATCH the OAS definition. This works fine, at least the message from gtwy is as such, but when querying /apis/{api-id} I see just the enable_jwt field set, correctly, to true, all the others above are still empty strings.
So, trying to connect to API is checking the token but since there is no way to validate it it always fails. Not at all sure how this is supposed to be setup.

Is this functionality available via Gateway API? From the definition of /apis/oas/{api-id} it looks like body of both PUT and PATCH requests is not even having the x-tyk-api-gateway object - see: https://tyk.io/docs/others/gateway-swagger.yml

OK, managed to get it to work but with rule based deployment only. Still no clue how to do this via API

@Radu_Popa Have you seen this response OAS endpoints does not support Auth0 JWT integration - #2 by Andy_Smith

Hi Olu,

Yes, I have seen that reply and indeed what is described there works. BUT my point is mostly about the quality of documentation - what is available is incomplete or even misleading.
Then, the response should mention the source of full documentation of respective fields, even if it is code only: tyk/x-tyk-api-gateway.json at master · TykTechnologies/tyk · GitHub - left here for reference

Hi Radu Popa,

Thank you for contacting us. You are correct, this content is missing and should be added. We had a small bug in this auto-generated page https://tyk.io/docs/tyk-apis/tyk-gateway-api/oas/x-tyk-oas-doc/#authentication.
Thank you for engaging with us!