Issue with gateway registering node with Dashboard


I am getting this in the tyk_gateway logs:
time=“Sep 13 06:35:41” level=info msg=“PIDFile location set to: /var/run/tyk/”
time=“Sep 13 06:35:41” level=info msg=“Initialising Tyk REST API Endpoints”
time=“Sep 13 06:35:41” level=info msg=“Redis connection pools are ready after number of retires” currRetry=0
time=“Sep 13 06:35:41” level=info msg=“Redis connection pools are ready”
time=“Sep 13 06:35:41” level=info msg=“–> Standard listener (http)” port=“:8080”
time=“Sep 13 06:35:41” level=info msg=“Setting up Server”
time=“Sep 13 06:35:41” level=info msg=“Registering node.”
time=“Sep 13 06:35:41” level=error msg=“Request failed with error Get http://localhost:3000/register/node: dial tcp connect: connection refused; retrying in 5s”
time=“Sep 13 06:35:43” level=warning msg=“Insecure configuration detected (allowing)!”
time=“Sep 13 06:35:46” level=error msg=“Request failed with error Get http://localhost:3000/register/node: dial tcp connect: connection refused; retrying in 5s”

Am I doing some thing wrong here?

In tyk.conf, I have:
“policies”: {
“policy_source”: “service”,
“policy_connection_string”: “http://localhost:3000”,
“policy_record_name”: “tyk_policies”,
“allow_explicit_policy_id”: true
“use_db_app_configs”: true,
“db_app_conf_options”: {
“connection_string”: “http://localhost:3000”,
“node_is_segmented”: false,
“tags”: [

As you can see it can’t connect to the dashboard. Which can mean multiple things, like:

  • you are using docker and did not forwarded port of messed with IP
  • the dashboard is not started or outside of your network
  • you started dash as https but talking to it though http

Thanks @leon, following this official repo now:

Still facing issues around these:

  1. First the dashboard was crashing, as I had to change the tyk_analytics value: host_config > enable_host_names to false to make the components run,
  2. Then the issue around how to get the user name to login to dashboard (fixed this by creating user calling the dashboard API “api/users”)
  3. Now the issue is that I cannot access the portal

I am using this url to access the portal {dashboard-url}:3000/portal
Where, dashboard-url is set in tyk_analytics.conf under host_config > hostname

Can you direct me how to make the portal work?

I have also tried the option of creating an initial portal page, just to be sure if that is not the issue.

For the next person who finds this;

I’m evaluating with the pro docker demo and had this issue after trying to enable ssl on the dashboard. I had this in my tyk_analytics.conf;

  "http_server_options": {
    "use_ssl": false,
    "server_name": ""
    "certificates": [],
    "min_version": 0

Fixed the issue by removing the server_name line