Inquiry about Rate Limiting and Throttling Behavior in OSS Tyk API Gateway


We are currently using rate limiting and throttling on our instance of OSS Tyk API Gateway, configured at the key level per API. We are curious if the API Gateway supports modifying the behavior for requests that will be rejected by the rate limit.

By default, when rate limiting and throttling are set, and the API Gateway receives multiple requests simultaneously:

  • The first few requests within the rate limit are processed.
  • Requests that exceed the rate limit but are within the throttling limit are processed in turn.
  • Requests that exceed both the rate limit and the throttling limit are rejected with a “Rate limit exceeded” error.

However, requests that exceed both limits are only rejected after all retries within the throttling limit have been exhausted.

Is there a way to configure the API Gateway to evaluate requests in advance and immediately reject those that exceed both the rate limit and the throttling limit?

Thank you in advance.

@vojtechnerad Hello and welcome to the community :tada:

I don’t think we have a config for this. You are welcome to open an enhancement request for this on our GitHub issues page