INFO[0009] http: proxy error: dial tcp connection refused

Imported Google Group message. Original thread at: Redirecting to Google Groups Import Date: 2016-01-19 21:12:41 +0000.
Sender:Mohcine Aterhzaz.
Date:Monday, 18 May 2015 16:36:05 UTC+1.

Hi everybody,

When i try to do this : curl http://localhost:5000/gestion/hopital/docteurs
tyk give me this error :

INFO[0009] http: proxy error: dial tcp connection refused

How can i solve this problem ?


Imported Google Group message.
Sender:Martin Buhr.
Date:Monday, 18 May 2015 16:44:06 UTC+1.

The error measns that Tyk can’t reach the upstream host - can you ping from the machine running Tyk?

Also, is port 80 open on that machine - if you visit it directly with a browser or lynx on the machine runnign tyk does it respond?

You could also try to wget or curl the endpoint directly - does it work?


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