Https communication from local service

Hi there, so i’m a little new to tyk so sorry in advance for any mistake.
I’m try to send a https POST request from local node application to my server through the tyk. The node applicatin has certificate from the network CA, and i add it to tyk, using tyk dashboard, and add it to the relevant API using attach certificate button.
The problem is my server receive the request as GET request so he return 404.
I also check the Log Browser and see the request define as GET request. Although my windows service send a POST request.
Tyk dashboard : 5.0.1
Axios: 1.6.8
Node (the windows service is a local node application) : 16.6.2

@OrItach Hello and welcome to the community :partying_face:

Could you enable debug logs and share the logs for review?

That should at least reveal where the magic is happening. You could even self-resolve the issue depending on what you find.

Sorry for the delay, i successfully enable debug mode follow the article.
I found logs in two pod of tyk, the first one:

as you can see at linr 7 for some reasone the decoded value is get/

the second one:

as you can see at line 23 the UseCetificate is false although i add the certificate and attach it to the API

You may have a method transform middleware in your API definition. They don’t show up on debug logs and could cause the result observed in analytics. You might want to check that none exist in your API definition or test with httpbin/anything endpoint to confirm what’s going on.

If unresolved then please share your gateway version and API definition with stripped out sensitive info.

The option noticed is for client certificates. Is that your intention? Maybe if you explain the ultimate goal with using the certificate I could be of much help

Thanks you for the quick replay.
i will chekck for method transform but i don’t think i use something like that.
My ultimate goal is to send post req from local client, a node application, who have certificate (because other constrain), to my server through tyk.
I tried severel things:

  1. use other axios instance (without certificate).
  2. Add the certificate to the API, with all the necessary steps.
    but the server allways receive a get req.
    for every more details just ask.

i will chekck for method transform but i don’t think i use something like that.

Let us know what you find

My ultimate goal is to send post req from local client, a node application, who have certificate (because other constrain), to my server through tyk.

This would mean you are dynamically setting SSL certificates for your custom domain(TLS and SSL). The attach certificate button is tied to the domain.

The error log shared is for the client certificate authentication part of mTLS(Concepts)

  1. use other axios instance (without certificate).
  2. Add the certificate to the API, with all the necessary steps.
    but the server allways receive a get req.
    for every more details just ask.

Can you share the gateway config, API definition and the curl details used in the request?

I assume your gateway version is the same as the version of the dashboard indicated v5.0.1