How to track all endpoints?

Hi ,

I am using tyk-oss (without Dashboad) and I would like to track all endpoints (Tyk Gateway itself and APIs).


  • Tyk is configurated with helm chart to works with Redis.
  • Prometheus is used as backend for Tyk-Pump.
  • I am able to get the Metrics for a specific API Endpoint via track_endpoints

In the Documentation is written:

The aggregate pumps have an option to track_all_paths which will ensure that all analytics records generated by the Tyk Gateway will be included in the aggregated statistics on the Endpoint Popularity screen. Set this to true to capture all endpoints in the aggregated data and subsequently on the Dashboard page.


For me it’s not clear where I should set track_all_paths to true:

  • in the Tyk configuration ?
  • in the Pump configuration (only hybrid? … ) ?
  • works only with the Dasboard or Tyk MDCB ?

Thank you!

It should be set via pump config option/env var for aggregates. You would observe that the aggregates have .meta.track_all_paths e.g. pumps.prometheus.meta.track_all_paths

Do you mean you also want to track the gateway’s REST APIs?

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Thank you @Olu it works!

yes I meant the Gateway’s REST APIs