How to setup redis-server 3.0.7 for Tyk 1.9.1 on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS

My goal is to have two different physical servers running on different locations to back up each other incase of failover. I’ve been told that the docker method was not the right approach and I’ve been trying to install redis using cluster mode.

I’ve been following this guide up to the steps where they tell you to run different redis instances to then build your cluster afterward running “gem install redis”.

I understand that Tyk won’t run a Redis instance for me. This is where it gets confusing for me in the tutorial. It says to run different Redis instances to build the cluster. Does this mean I need to to run one instance on each server and create the cluster with them?

Any clarifications would be appreciated,


EDIT: I’ve installed Ruby, and ran gem install ruby and then tried to associate my first node with the second. I get the following error :

sibyl@tyk:~/redis-3.0.7/src$ ./redis-trib.rb create --replicas 1

Creating cluster
*** ERROR: Invalid configuration for cluster creation.
*** Redis Cluster requires at least 3 master nodes.
*** This is not possible with 2 nodes and 1 replicas per node.
*** At least 6 nodes are required.

Is there any way to have two different physical servers running and synchronizing in case of a fail over or I must absolutely have 3 different ones (3 masters/3replicas - 6 nodes using cluster mode)?